Driving Directions

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Driving Directions

  1. Travel east on Broad St. (Rt. 16) to Waggoner Road (3 miles east of I-270)
  2. Turn left (north) on Waggoner Road
  3. Travel north 1.25 miles
    For Barn/Office Parking: Turn left (west) at the big white barn (987 N. Waggoner Road, across from Kennedy Rd).
    For Labyrinth Parking: Turn left (west) on Wengert Road then Turn right (north) into the second driveway.

Shepherd’s Corner

Our Vision:

Shepherd’s Ecology Center is positioning itself to be an Earth-centered leader in the Central Ohio community: teaching environmental education, offering reflective experiences on care of creation, and renewing the land while providing healthy, naturally grown produce.

Our Mission:

Shepherd’s Corner Ecology Center invites others to join with us in experiencing the joys and responsibilities of caring for land, life, and spirit. Inspiring others to become shepherds of creation in their own corners of the world.
