September 28th
1:00 – 3:30 pm
This annual event is free to the public! We are asking those who attend bring unexpired shelf stable foods to donate to local food pantries. You can also bring unused personal care items to donate as well! (Donations are always graciously accepted.)
Bring your water bottle along with you. More information will be added as the date approaches!
Activities for the day:
*Walk our meditation trail & labyrinths (yes, there are two!)
*Learn from our friends at Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District,
SWACO (Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio), and
Columbus Audobon!
*Our friends from
ASCO (Autism Society of Central Ohio) will also be joining us with a table.
*View a neat wool yarn spinning demonstration (Diana Morse)
*Take a hayride around to see parts of Shepherd’s Corner you may not have seen before! (Including our emerging wetland!)
New sheep at Shepherd’s Corner! We have two new sheep that are looking for names! Bring your change along to Shepherds Fest and vote for your favorite pair of names!