Visit Shepherd’s Corner: Open to the public

Shepherd's Corner Ecology Center 987 N Waggoner Road, Blacklick, OH, United States

Fridays, we will be open to visitors from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Instead of a suggested donation we ask that you please bring a donation of shelf stable food. These items will be given to local food pantries to help lessen food inequity and insecurity in the area. We invite you to spend time […]

Wet Felted Fall Leaves and Acorns

Shepherd's Corner Ecology Center 987 N Waggoner Road, Blacklick, OH, United States

Registration closed Felting Program: Wet Felted Fall Leaves and Acorns Saturday, October 28th       1:30-3:30 pm $20 program fee *12 participant maximum* Learn how to transform wool into felt using the wet felting technique.  Using simple patterns as guides, the wet felt can then be shaped into a variety of leaves and acorns.  Dyed […]


Visit Shepherd’s Corner: Open to the public

Shepherd's Corner Ecology Center 987 N Waggoner Road, Blacklick, OH, United States

Fridays, we will be open to visitors from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Instead of a suggested donation we ask that you please bring a donation of shelf stable food. These items will be given to local food pantries to help lessen food inequity and insecurity in the area. We invite you to spend time […]

First Friday Hike: November

First Friday Hikes 1st Fridays beginning in October   1:00 - 3:00 pm Cost: $5 Join us the first Friday of the month as we discuss seasonal topics and take a walk in the woods. window.bboxInit = function () { bbox.showForm('89dbbe09-fc33-4472-87f3-bdf0592a0f3d'); }; (function () { var e = document.createElement('script'); e.async = true; e.src = ''; document.getElementsByTagName('head').appendChild(e); […]


Visit Shepherd’s Corner: Open to the public

Shepherd's Corner Ecology Center 987 N Waggoner Road, Blacklick, OH, United States

Fridays, we will be open to visitors from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Instead of a suggested donation we ask that you please bring a donation of shelf stable food. These items will be given to local food pantries to help lessen food inequity and insecurity in the area. We invite you to spend time […]

Connect: November Labyrinth Walk

Wengert Road Labyrinth Wengert Road, Blacklick, OH, United States

Connect: November Labyrinth Walk Friday, November 10th 7:00 – 8:30 pm Suggested Donation: $5 Facilitated by John Seryak, Labyrinth Keeper When we walk the Labyrinth, we are silent, mindful, and moving... we connect with the Earth. We connect with our bodies. We connect with our minds and thoughts. We connect with our Spirit. We connect […]


Visit Shepherd’s Corner: Open to the public

Shepherd's Corner Ecology Center 987 N Waggoner Road, Blacklick, OH, United States

November 17th is our last open to the public day for 2023.   Fridays, we will be open to visitors from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Instead of a suggested donation we ask that you please bring a donation of shelf stable food. These items will be given to local food pantries to help lessen […]

Upcycled/Recycled Gifts

Shepherd's Corner Ecology Center 987 N Waggoner Road, Blacklick, OH, United States

Upcycled/Recycled Gifts Friday, November 17th 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Program cost: $5 Facilitated by Susan Butler & Miranda Land, Shepherd's Corner Staff  Come use your creative nature to make small gifts for those you love. Learn to make several tiny treats with items you may have around your house!   window.bboxInit = function () […]


Giving Tuesday!

    November 28th is Giving Tuesday! A day to donate to nonprofit organizations that mean something to you! We ask for you to consider Shepherd's Corner Ecology Center in your 2023 end of year giving plan! We are grateful to everyone one who has contributed to Shepherd's Corner during 2023 especially those who have […]

First Friday Hike: December

First Friday Hikes 1st Fridays 1:00 - 3:00 pm Cost: $5 Join us the first Friday of the month as we discuss seasonal topics and take a walk in the woods. window.bboxInit = function () { bbox.showForm('89dbbe09-fc33-4472-87f3-bdf0592a0f3d'); }; (function () { var e = document.createElement('script'); e.async = true; e.src = ''; document.getElementsByTagName('head').appendChild(e); } ());   […]


Late Fall Morning Walk

Shepherd's Corner Ecology Center 987 N Waggoner Road, Blacklick, OH, United States

Late Fall Morning Walk Tuesday, December 5th 7:30 am Cost: $5.00 Explore Shepherd's Corner Ecology Center's trails on a crisp late fall morning before the season starts to change. Swing by the barn for a cup of coffee and a muffin. Head out to the woods to explore as the day begins. window.bboxInit = function […]


Holiday Craft Sale

Shepherd's Corner Ecology Center 987 N Waggoner Road, Blacklick, OH, United States

Holiday Craft Sale December 7th & 8th 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Looking for special gifts this holiday season? Join us for an on-site sale of our crafts! Our products and crafts will be available for purchase on site! Including bee smooth, basil garlic vinegar, lip balm, and more! Come shop & enjoy a late […]
