May Labyrinth Walk: May Day
Wednesday, May 1st 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Suggested Donation: $5
Psalms and the Creative Spirit
Tuesday, May 14th
$10 10:00 am – noon
* 8 spots remaining*
Led by Donna Nesbitt
Explore a different approach to Scripture study for those who like to be creative or crafty. We’ll contemplate the Psalms and find words that speak to us. Then the creativity begins! No art skills are required. Materials will be provided, but you may bring markers, pens, colored pencils or a sketchbook if you have them. Register at this link.
Home School Adventure Days
3rd Wednesday of the month
1:00 - 3:00 pm
Programming designed for grades K-5 (although, older students are welcome). Come learn and explore! Join us for seasonal activities each month. Register here.
Visit Shepherd's Corner!
From April through mid-November, we are open to visitors on Mondays from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm.
We invite you to spend time at Shepherd’s Corner Ecology Center. Come walk our meditation trail and the outdoor labyrinths. We do ask that all visitors check in at the office upon their arrival. We will be closed in the event of inclement weather. If you are considering visiting, we ask that you contact us either by calling (614) 866-4302 or by emailing and letting us know.
If there are Mondays where we will be closed, these will be noted on the calendar & on Facebook. There will also be occasions where we are open other days which we will note on our calendar & on Facebook.
When coming to visit please stop by the barn and let us know you’re here for a visit. We ask a $2 donation per person donation. (We’re continually collecting items to be donate to local food pantries, so you are always welcome to bring shelf stable items!)