Preparation & Celebration: December Labyrinth Walk

Wengert Road Labyrinth Wengert Road, Blacklick, OH, United States

Preparation & Celebration: December Labyrinth Walk Friday, December 20th 7:00 – 8:30 pm Suggested Donation: $5 Facilitated by John Seryak, Shepherd's Corner's Labyrinth Keeper We are in a season of Light and Celebration. Often there is preparation before a celebration.  What preparations are you engaged in and how do you celebrate life? Labyrinth walks are […]


Self-led Labyrinth Days

Shepherd's Corner Ecology Center 987 N Waggoner Road, Blacklick, OH, United States

Open Labyrinth Days Wednesday, January 8th 9:00 - 3:00 pm Come spend time in our labyrinths. Enjoy a self-led reflective walk through either or both of our outdoor labyrinths. Our original labyrinth is located off of our meditation trail and is a mile in length with benches for res throughout the labyrinth path. Closer to […]

Middle School: Home School Adventure Days

Shepherd's Corner Ecology Center 987 N Waggoner Road, Blacklick, OH, United States

3rd Wednesday of the month 9:30 am - 11:30 am $5/student 10:00 am - noon This time slot is for middle school aged homeschoolers. Come learn and explore! Join us for seasonal activities each month. window.bboxInit = function () { bbox.showForm('1f320125-e2a8-44d0-8189-cb00609e042a'); }; (function () { var e = document.createElement('script'); e.async = true; e.src = ''; […]


Elementary: Home School Adventure Days

Shepherd's Corner Ecology Center 987 N Waggoner Road, Blacklick, OH, United States

Home School Drop-in Days 3rd Wednesday of the month 1:00 - 3:00 pm $5/student Programming from 1:00 – 3:00 is designed for grades K-5 students (5 years and older). Students older than this are welcome in our middle school program which is held from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm the same day.     window.bboxInit […]


Kneading Community: A Bread Baker’s Retreat

Shepherd's Corner Ecology Center 987 N Waggoner Road, Blacklick, OH, United States

Kneading Community: A Bread-Baker’s Retreat Saturday, February 1st, 2025 $20/participant 10: 00 am - 1:00 pm Led by Sr. Cathy Arnold, OP & Sr. Terri Schell. Spend a morning exploring breadmaking as a way of creating community and searching for meaning in the simple act of baking and sharing bread.  Inspired by Meghan Murphy-Gill’s book, […]


Cancelled: Rediscover the Practice of Fasting

Cancelled: Rediscover the Practice of Fasting February, 5th 2025  6:30 - 8:00 pm $5/participant Fasting has long been a tradition and spiritual practice of many faiths including Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and others.  With the coming of the observance of Lent, this is a time to reacquaint ourselves with this practice.   Come and join […]

Meditative Slow Stitching

Meditative Slow Stitching Tuesday, February 11th  1:00 - 3:00 pm $10/participant Led by Donna Nesbitt Slow stitching can be a very meditative activity for cold February days. In this class we will be working on a small hot mat to learn a technique derived from Kawandi quilting. You can bring fabric you want to recycle […]

Self-led Labyrinth Days

Shepherd's Corner Ecology Center 987 N Waggoner Road, Blacklick, OH, United States

Open Labyrinth Days Wednesday, February 12th 9:00 - 3:00 pm Come spend time in our labyrinths. Enjoy a self-led reflective walk through either or both of our outdoor labyrinths. Our original labyrinth is located off of our meditation trail and is a mile in length with benches for res throughout the labyrinth path. Closer to […]

President’s Day at Shepherd’s Corner

Shepherd's Corner Ecology Center 987 N Waggoner Road, Blacklick, OH, United States

President's Day at Shepherd's Corner Monday February 17th, 2025 10:00 am – 3:00 pm School is out! So come spend part of your day with us. Activities for the day will include a scavenger hunt, meeting the animals, and other seasonal activities! Enjoy the meditation trail & labyrinths on this family friendly day! Take a […]


Middle School: Home School Adventure Days

Shepherd's Corner Ecology Center 987 N Waggoner Road, Blacklick, OH, United States

3rd Wednesday of the month 9:30 am - 11:30 am $5/student 9:30 - 11:30 am This time slot is for middle school aged homeschoolers. Come learn and explore! Join us for seasonal activities each month. window.bboxInit = function () { bbox.showForm('1f320125-e2a8-44d0-8189-cb00609e042a'); }; (function () { var e = document.createElement('script'); e.async = true; e.src = ''; […]


Elementary: Home School Adventure Days

Shepherd's Corner Ecology Center 987 N Waggoner Road, Blacklick, OH, United States

Elementary: Home School Adventure Days 3rd Wednesday of the month 1:00 - 3:00 pm $5/student Programming from 1:00 – 3:00 is designed for grades 1-5th grade students (6 years and older). Students older than this are welcome in our middle school program which is held from 9:30 am – 11:30 pm the same day. If […]


Project WILD & Growing Up WILD training

Shepherd's Corner Ecology Center 987 N Waggoner Road, Blacklick, OH, United States

Training is co-lead by Nande Gilbert (of Highland Youth Garden) and Susan Butler (of Shepherd's Corner Ecology Center). window.bboxInit = function () { bbox.showForm('1589fa93-4a5b-4bdf-9d24-d7238f44f614'); }; (function () { var e = document.createElement('script'); e.async = true; e.src = ''; document.getElementsByTagName('head').appendChild(e); } ());
