3rd Wednesday of the month 10:00 am - noon $5/student 10:00 am - noon This time slot is for middle school aged homeschoolers. Come learn and explore! Join us for seasonal activities each month. window.bboxInit = function () { bbox.showForm('1f320125-e2a8-44d0-8189-cb00609e042a'); }; (function () { var e = document.createElement('script'); e.async = true; e.src = 'https://bbox.blackbaudhosting.com/webforms/bbox-min.js'; document.getElementsByTagName('head').appendChild(e); […]
Home School Drop-in Days 3rd Wednesday of the month 1:00 - 3:00 pm $5/student Programming from 1:00 – 3:00 is designed for grades K-5 students. Students older than this are welcome in our middle school program which is held from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm the same day. window.bboxInit = function () { […]
For Everything There Is a Season: September Labyrinth Walk Thursday, September 19th 7:00 – 8:30 pm Suggested Donation: $5 Facilitated by John Seryak, Shepherd's Corner's Labyrinth Keeper With the changing of our seasons we can reflect on the changes in our own personal, family and community lives. What changes are you experiencing now or have […]
September 28th 1:00 - 3:30 pm FREE EVENT This annual event is free to the public! We are asking those who attend bring unexpired shelf stable foods to donate to local food pantries. You can also bring unused personal care items to donate as well! (Donations are always graciously accepted.) Bring your water bottle along […]