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Join us on June 8th for our Annual 5K Event! The fun run/walk starts at 9:00 am with check in beginning at 8:00 am.

Registration for our 18th Annual Shepherd's Corner 5K is live! You can register online here!

Considering joining us as a sponsor for this year's 5K? You can learn about the sponsorship levels at this link.

Unable to join us day of the race but would still like to support our fundraising efforts? You can make a donation in support.

With the support of folks like you, Shepherd’s Corner has been able to help combat food insecurity by donating over 46,424 pounds over the last 16 years. Proceeds will benefit Shepherd’s Corner Ecology Center’s environmental education programs, land and water conservation projects, and our efforts to provide fresh, naturally grown produce to those in need. For the third year we are partnering with nearby From Scratch Farm to continue donation of fresh, naturally grown produce to those in need. With the support of folks like you, Shepherd’s Corner has continued to care for Earth through our educational programs. Proceeds from this fun run/walk will help us continue these important efforts.
